GPS coordinates : 39.7747035187729, 21.1815118789673
RED ROUTE ( central square )
If you find yourself in the central square of Metsovo follow the following details
Spot the central road starting from the central square. Is the widest , stone pathed, ascending, road passes between Eurobank-town hall and central park- church.
- Take the central road from the square for 140 meters, leaving the central church on your right hand and Eurobank on your left hand, right after the bakery, you will see the road to bisect in two roads. The one is the tarmac ascending road up left. The other is the stone pathed right slightly descending. This right stone pathed is the road you should follow. (note that there is also an extra small pathed narrow street coming up from your back under the bakery that you should totally ignore). This road after 200 meters passes in front of the Saint George Church and its park. You keep going and after 180 meters form the church (way to the winery) you are in front of oresivio. Congratulations.
- Entering through the MAIN entrance of Metsovo From the A-2 Egnatia Highway. You follow the descending main tarmac road. Pass through the gym stadium and the health center and you will spot a right 180° turn, with a mirror sing, in front of the Anax hotel. This is where you should go forward and don’t follow that turn. You follow this still descending street and pass in front of hotel Victoria. (note that before Hotel Victoria there is a crossroad that you should go to the descending right and not taking the narrow demolished street that leads outside of the village). After 350 meters without turning-just forward you’ll find Oresivio On your left hand…
asking the locals #keywords: Oresivio is right above the #highschool, #Goura area, close to #StGeorge church-Park